Saturday, May 24, 2014

I Never Knew A Love Like This

I kept listening to this song over and over again an thought, how could I flip this and not make it about my man. It would be about my love for music.


 Isn't awesome that you can listen to a song,and that song can uplift you?
Whenever I need spiritual guidance or inspiration. I shuffle through my Gospel favorites.  At the end of my selections I'm either in tears because I feel the words were meant for me; or jamming because it feel so good to my soul. 

PhotoPop and Hip-Hop are what I call the "In tunes" . The stuff that get you hype or ready to party. My kids an I love dancing around the house. At times we end up laughing so hard at each other. I laugh because they are trying to do all the dances that are in. They laugh at me because they can't believe  I can do them too. Music feels a void. PhotoIt really takes me out of my element. Dancing and singing. Oh yeah, sometimes I think I can rap too.  Music has been apart of my life since I was a little girl. I remember my grandmother singing gospels songs. My Mahalia Jackson. My dad was Luther Vandross to me. I can hear him singing now. Guess that's where I get the itch to sing from. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't blessed with the best voice but I that has never stopped me before. Photo
When things were going to hell right before my eyes, my escape would be my music. Any time I hear someone call a female a bitch. I instantly hear Queen Latifah's, U.N.I.T.Y . That was the song to put a dude in check back in the day. Oh how I love my R&B . I have a song for every happy, sad, emotional, and exciting moment in my life. My boyfriend said I'm stuck in the 90's. PhotoBecause when I hear one of my jams I have turned it up and tell a story. 
Music has changed so much. But I can always find a song for whatever mood I'm in. When I need to go to sleep and can't because I'm dealing with life's everyday stress; Music wraps its arms around me and sings me to sleep. Besides God, I can always count on it to get me through a trying day. I never knew a love like this...Photo

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